Symposium themes

The symposium will be organised around six key themes. Each theme will have a keynote led by an invited speaker reflecting upon an influential piece of work that has impacted the design and research communities.

Upon submission of a paper, you will be asked to recommend which theme your work most aligns with.

Below are the six themes, and the papers that we as a committee identified as having a profound impact on our community.

Mixed Reality theme
Orchestrating a Mixed Reality Performance

Boriana Koleva, Ian Taylor, Steve Benford, Mike Fraser, Chris Greenhalgh, Holger Schnädelbach, Dirk vom Lehn, Christian Heath, Ju Row-Farr, and Matt Adams

Arts and Design-led Approaches theme
Ambiguity as a Resource for Design

Bill Gaver, Jacob Beaver, and Steve Benford

Artificial Intelligence, Humans, and Machines theme
Human-Machine Reconfigurations: Plans and Situated Actions

Lucy Suchman

Submission guidance

Please read the submission guidance before submitting your papers. This guidance also includes the templates you should use to prepare your submission.

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